Social Media For Business

Tocanan helps you reach your customers, gain valuable insights, and grow your brand

Social media is no longer optional for businesses. Consider that there are now more than 4.2 billion and 6.4 million active social media users across the globe and in Hong Kong respectively. Suppose you’re not taking advantage of social within your digital marketing strategy. In that case, you’re missing out on a fast, inexpensive, and effective way to understand and reach more than half the population.

5-Step Data Analysis Process

Start by asking: What business problem am I trying to solve? While this might sound straightforward, it can be trickier than it seems.

Our data analyst’s first task is to work with you to understand your business and its goals in enough depth to frame the problem the right way. As such, your question might not be, “How can we sell more?” but, “Which attributes are positively and negatively impacting the customer experience?” or better yet: “How can we sell more while minimizing market communication and distribution costs?”

Social media is no longer optional for businesses. Consider that there are now more than 4.2 billion and 6.4 million active social media users across the globe and in Hong Kong respectively. Suppose you’re not taking advantage of social within your digital marketing strategy. In that case, you’re missing out on a fast, inexpensive, and effective way to understand and reach more than half the population.

5-Step Data Analysis Process

Start by asking: What business problem am I trying to solve? While this might sound straightforward, it can be trickier than it seems.

Our data analyst’s first task is to work with you to understand your business and its goals in enough depth to frame the problem the right way. As such, your question might not be, “How can we sell more?” but, “Which attributes are positively and negatively impacting the customer experience?” or better yet: “How can we sell more while minimizing market communication and distribution costs?”

After defining a problem

we will curate our abundant data sources, from different parts of the world and across various platforms, that could best solve your business questions. The smartly selected relevant datasets will be ingested into the system for natural language processing to discover entities, topics and sentiment. Our researchers will then follow with diagnostic analysis using business intelligence tools and craft out intuitive data visualization presenting insights answering your business questions, like:

• tracking brand health,

• knowing converter vs rejecter behaviours,

• establishing brand’s thought leadership,

• selecting influencers to partner, etc.

Book a meeting to let us know how we can help.

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